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welcome to the website of architect

luis díaz feria

Casa Marsá

[140 sqm low-budget house for two sisters in Lanzarote. Honored in the 7th Premio Oráa]

Archivo de Arrecife

[Historical Archive of Arrecife de Lanzarote. A 3-storey building in central old town]

Edificio Plazuela

[Gallery+library of Fundación César Manrique and offices. A 3-storey building in central old town Arrecife de Lanzarote]

‘El Almacén’ cultural centre

[Architectural Review selected this first prize winner project to be discussed at the 10th Venice Architecture Biennale. A long-shaped wooden box runs over the old houses and a park in central old town Arrecife de Lanzarote. Unbuilt]

Casa Giménez

[220 sqm house on top of a hill in Los Gallardos (Almería). Renewing a 10 Has abandoned farm]

Edificio INLAND

[corporate headquarters for a tech company in Tres Cantos (Madrid)]

Museo del Grabado

[Etching Museum and Workshop in Lanzarote. A passive-bioclimatic concept for a museum that should produce its own artwork edited by Línea. Partially built. The workshop is today a colective art centre managed by Ars Magna]

Casas Oves + Seeger

[Twin houses 150 sqm in Lanzarote landscape]

Hotel Alfaix

[Passive hotel developement in Mojácar Beach (Almería). Mediterranean site, time and life]

Edificio Inés 19

[Housing in central Arrecife de Lanzarote]

Aula de la Juventud

[a 200 sqm for the youth in Lanzarote]

Casa Cañadas

[Rehabilitation + enlargement of an old house in Mojácar Beach, Almería. Unbuilt]

Edificio Vilafortuny

[apartments complex in Cambrils]

Edificio FT

[rehabilitation and enlargement of a hardware store in Arrecife de Lanzarote]

Cabina portuaria

[ticket and office cabin for Líneas Romero, to be placed in the Canary Ports]

Casa Magee

[220 sqm house in Lanzarote]

Under construction

[to be continued]

taking on new projects

(my best projects are among the ones i never built)

«Nunca perseguí la gloria

ni dejar en la memoria

de los hombres mi canción»

Antonio Machado


Renew objects for a longer life


Replace items for a better enviroment


Subtraction can be construction


A humanist understanding of nature

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